As you probably know, part of the job of a Photo Composite artist and retoucher is sometimes to present options so your client can decide which one fits the brief and their objectives better.
Along the way artworks are selected to move forward but some others are left behind as "rejects" which is kind of an unfair label for these pieces of work given that at some point I felt confident enough to present them as viable options for the project yet they were not selected. Normally these photo composites would not see the light of day and remain in the shadows but I feel they deserve to be seen and appreciated for that they are and what they could have been.
I'm not gonna name clients or specific details of the projects these images were associated with but here are some of my favorite "reject" photo composites that I have done:

All of these images were retouched and photo composited using Adobe Photoshop® which and always be my image editing software of choice. The photo manipulation was done using assets from multiple sources; from stock images from Adobe Stock®, product photography in some case which I did personally in my studio and even AI generated content from both the available tools within Photoshop and the website version of Adobe Firefly®.

Thank you for checking out this project.
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